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Author: Alan Meekings

We need our journalists to step up to the plate

My suggestion is that we, the people, should seek to turn the searchlight of attention on journalists. Until now they’ve used the ‘excuse’ that their Editor (e.g. Dacre, et al) didn’t want them to criticise the Conservative government (even over austerity, the bedroom tax, underfunding of healthcare, social care, education, policing, vital council services, etc. while seeking to place all the blame on “migrants” and “EU laws”). Now they can no longer conceal the truth because their editors wish to avoid criticising PM Johnson. This time around, we can all see the reality online. For instance, Germany is already conducting over half a million Covid-19 tests per week, whereas the UK is probably just about achieving c.6,500 tests per week, including tests on the Prince of Wales, the PM and their collective entourages, rather than front-line health and social care workers. Journalists need to know that people will now judge them on their honesty and objectivity. So, if they choose not to present the facts that the rest of us can already see online, then their reputations will be trashed in perpetuity. We urgently need journalists now to do their duty, not think about what their Editors want them to say and worry about their...

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Why Some leavers want out of the EU…..but does it stack up?

The Free World Org has come into possession of the following Leave.EU and Leave Means Leave documents. Click the links below and let us know your thoughts and we will publish your reply 05 Jan 2019 – WTO safehaven 18 Dec 2018 – A Better Deal 2010 – Initial Treasury analysis of Single Market Benefits A_Firm_Solution_to_the_Hard_Border Analysis of EU law on deportations Copy of UK-Trade_Goods-and-Services_BC itsquiteoktowalkaway Leavemeansleave_report_uk_ireland_border PLAN-A-FINAL SuperCanada_and_CETA_compared Tariff_Reference_Document_12_March_2019 Why Leave the...

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BREXIT – What happens next?

The long shadow of Euroscepticism in British politics is the product of an illusion, born of simplification and misrepresentation of history. It’s an illusion that can only be countered if we look objectively at the real history of economic and political cooperation across Europe in the wake of the First and Second World Wars (which occurred barely 21 years apart). Since 1945, Europe has benefited from a period of unprecedented peace – indeed, the longest period of peace for over 3,000 years – which is not attributable to NATO membership (helpful though this has been) but to Winston Churchill’s...

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BREXIT A better way forward – Alan Meekings muses another option

John Hayes in the House (Free Press, 11 Dec 18 – see, Sir John Hayes MP sets out: Why he supports Theresa May’s unexpected decision to postpone the “Meaningful Vote” in Parliament on the Withdrawal Agreement she personally negotiated. Why he can’t support this deal in its current form; and What his “personal red lines” are for supporting his own government’s Withdrawal Agreement, if suitably amended. Sir John’s red lines are: “taking back control of our laws; ending free movement; and a clean break”. The problem with his red lines is they’re fundamentally incompatible with: (a) upholding the Good Friday peace...

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“‘Brexit DOES NOT guarantee success’ Brexiteer Liam Fox in SHOCK announcement”

Time to reassess Brexit says Alan Meekings: Under the headline, “‘Brexit DOES NOT guarantee success’ Brexiteer Liam Fox in SHOCK announcement”, the Daily Express reported on 10 Sep 18 that Liam Fox now says: “We have got to be rational and say that everything will not be wonderful just because we’re leaving the European Union.” “That is not a guarantee that everything will be rosy on the other side.” “Let’s not have an irrational positivity.” Remember it was Liam Fox who, in 2016, told us that reaching a deal with the EU would be “the easiest trade deal in...

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