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Month: July 2018

Views on Brexit are changing rapidly

Back in June 2016, Lincolnshire was “the Leave Capital of the UK”, recording the highest and second-highest proportional Leave votes across the UK in our neighbouring constituencies of Boston & Skegness and South Holland & The Deepings. So, imagine what sort of feedback members of the European Movement, manning a ‘street stall’ in Stamford on Saturday, July 21, and seeking to capture feedback from passers-by on the topic of “What do you think about Brexit 2 years on?”, received in response to the following questions: (1) Brexit is going well? (2) Brexit will be good for jobs? (3) Brexit...

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BREXIT – Should we leave or remain?

In 2014, we had the fastest growing economy among the G7 nations. Today, we have the slowest growing G7 economy, down to a growth rate of 0.2% and teetering on the brink of recession. More than two years after the Referendum, the Cabinet (minus two members) has only just arrived at a rough idea of what sort of future relationship with the EU they’d ideally like to negotiate, and the Conservative Party remains locked in a full-scale, 40-year, internecine war with itself over the UK’s future role in the world and our relationship with the continent of Europe. So,...

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More than ever we need a new Athelstan

England and the UK needs a new Athelstan (Æthelstan) Personally, I wish Athelstan, King of the Anglo-Saxons from 924 to 927 and first King of England from 927 to 939, was alive today. He saw – back in the Middle Ages, roughly 1,100 years ago – that the only solution to the development of England was to unite all the previously warring regions of England to deliver sustained peace, thereby enabling progressive economic and social progress. In this endeavour he was phenomenally and unprecedentedly successful. Were Athelstan alive today, he’d instantly spot, just as Winston Churchill did after the...

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