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Month: September 2018

“‘Brexit DOES NOT guarantee success’ Brexiteer Liam Fox in SHOCK announcement”

Time to reassess Brexit says Alan Meekings: Under the headline, “‘Brexit DOES NOT guarantee success’ Brexiteer Liam Fox in SHOCK announcement”, the Daily Express reported on 10 Sep 18 that Liam Fox now says: “We have got to be rational and say that everything will not be wonderful just because we’re leaving the European Union.” “That is not a guarantee that everything will be rosy on the other side.” “Let’s not have an irrational positivity.” Remember it was Liam Fox who, in 2016, told us that reaching a deal with the EU would be “the easiest trade deal in...

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Brexit Musings – Why the voters should decide by Alan Meekings

Just a thought I feel for readers who voted Leave in 2016 on the basis of false promises and now face a stark choice: either recognise today’s reality and look forward to a People’s Vote on the final terms of Brexit; or prepare to live with the catastrophic consequences of either Theresa May’s Chequers plan (described by Boris Johnson as “a turd” and “f**k business”) or leaving with ‘no deal’ (rated 60% probable by Liam Fox, the man who told us in 2016 that Brexit would be “the easiest trade deal in human history”). In this context, it’s important...

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